The sacrament of Baptism, sometimes called ‘Christening’, is the ordinary way by which someone becomes a member of God’s family (ie: the Church). Baptism is not to be entered into lightly. The person being baptised, or their parents and Godparents (in the case of a child), must be prepared to make certain promises that are essential to Baptism. The Baptismal Promises can be viewed by clicking here.
A basic introduction to Baptism (Christening) and what it means in the Christian faith is given in the video on this page.
Meetings with the clergy will also take place prior to the baptism to prepare the person (and their parents & godparents). After you make a formal request for baptism, someone from the parish office will contact you and will make a time for you to meet with the parish clergy.
To request a baptism, please complete the details requested on this online form (click here).
If you would like to explore further about becoming a Christian, please contact the parish office (mob: 0427 327756 or email: rector@anglicancassowary.com), or just come and join us at church some time.
A basic introduction to Baptism (Christening) and what it means in the Christian faith is given in the video on this page.
Meetings with the clergy will also take place prior to the baptism to prepare the person (and their parents & godparents). After you make a formal request for baptism, someone from the parish office will contact you and will make a time for you to meet with the parish clergy.
To request a baptism, please complete the details requested on this online form (click here).
If you would like to explore further about becoming a Christian, please contact the parish office (mob: 0427 327756 or email: rector@anglicancassowary.com), or just come and join us at church some time.